Roland Bilicki

Photo: archiwum Rolanda Bilickiego


Roland Bilicki was born on 07.06.1984 in Olsztyn in a Roma family (Polish Roma). He has secondary education, but as he says – a higher life education.


He has always wanted to express himself musically on stage. Inspired by his cousin, Roland learned to play guitar as a child. One day, his dad surprised him with a question: which instrument do you want to play, the accordion or the violin? He chose the violin.


Nowadays Roland performs not only with his own bands (he currently has two). He has also worked with opera singers, Alicja Węgorzewska, Leszek Świdziński, Sylwia Lorenz and the band “Enej”. He played with jazz bands in Germany, as well as the Olsztyn Philharmonic Orchestra during the New Year’s Eve gala in 2019.


Apart from music, Roland is interested in cooking – he usually experiments with his children. He also likes sports. He trains kyokushin, a bit of kickboxing, and works out at the gym. He loves nature and enjoys walking in the forest.

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